Saturday, October 9, 2010

The first Hodgepodge Hodges post!

Welcome to the crazy, unpredictable blog of The Hodges family! I have no idea the direction of this blog - the plan is to just play it by ear.
Today was a big day. We began the process of moving to California. The movers came, packed and moved our stuff away in 6 hours! These guys were machines! Let's just pray that everything makes it there...and in one piece. While the movers were doing their thing, we were hanging out two doors down at Missy and Mickey's house. Thank goodness they live close - we were able to camp out but also keep an eye on the packing/moving.
Tonight, Greg, Carson and I took a stroll through our empty townhome. Wow - the memories came pouring in. I remember walking through the townhome when it was still being built. It was cold out and I was wearing my Texas A&M sweatshirt. We talked about that 3rd bedroom being the "baby's room" someday, even though there was no thought of a baby at that time. We got married when living there, we had some highs and lows there, and welcomed Carson into our lives. It's hard to leave a place that has so many memories, but I look forward to what lies ahead.
I am truly blessed to be married to the greatest man in the world. Greg is the most supportive man I've ever met. He is my rock and I thank God everyday for him. Little does he know, but he has the most important job right now - taking care of Carson. Not something we planned but God sure has his was of working in our lives. We don't question it, we just pray that he leads us down the path he has for us and we go with it!
Thank you Lord for all of the blessings in our lives so far and we can't wait for what's to come!


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