Tuesday, November 9, 2010

6 months - where did the time go?!

Yesterday, Carson turned 6 months old! I can't believe it!

Carson's first tooth is coming in and when I say it's sharp - it's sharp! He's sitting up on his own with very few tumbles. And, he's starting to pull himself along the floor (army crawl). You can just see in his eyes that he's trying to figure out the crawling process. It's just a matter of time before he is mobile!
I love to watch him as he experiences new things. He has such a look of wonder in his eyes. When the wind blows the leaves on the trees in the back yard, he just stares in amazement!

We are excited for all of the new things he'll learn over the next 6 months - I just hope they don't go as fast as the first 6 months did.


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