Sunday, March 17, 2013

Big boy underwear and pee pee

Seeing that Carson is nearing 3 years old, we figured it's probably time to work on potty training. (I say this w/ some sarcasm since I originally had the mindset that he would be potty trained at 2)

He's known how to pee pee on the big boy potty since we lived in LA but it wasn't anything we really pushed on him. If he went, we celebrated and he got a sticker but that was about it. I think part of it was we were both terrified to start that journey - it sounded horrible....I mean they sell books on how to potty train your kid, that must mean it's really hard to do. So we did what any logical person would do, we avoided it. :)

But, about a month ago, Greg was at the gym and they paged him to come to the child care center (which of course makes me panic immediately). He got there and they said Carson had to go potty (guess he told the teacher he had to go). As you can imagine, Greg was confused because Carson was wearing a diaper. So, he took him in the bathroom (his diaper was dry), sat him on the potty and he went! This was our's time to start potty training. So we bought some big boy underwear and went for it!

He had a couple of small accidents at the house but nothing horrible. Now he tells us whenever he needs to go and it seems like he's always been going in the potty. We're still wearing a night diaper and I don't see that ending anytime soon. That thing is soaked in the mornings!

We will take this as a huge win for the little guy! He's doing so good and his little bunnies (as I call them) look so cute in his Buzz Lightyear underwear!


Granny Strange said...

Carson is growing up so fast and his big boy undies prove that! Proud of you Carson keep up the good work!

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