Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our first visit to see Santa

And it was a success! We sat Carson on Santa's lap and he just looked at Santa like "who is this guy??" It took about 4 shots but we finally got a good one!

This was our first time to experience the Santa visit, as well as dealing with other parents. We arrived a little early so we decided it would be best to go ahead and get in line. We were 3rd in line....but we had to wait 45 minutes for Santa to get back from lunch. So, we chatted with the other parents and kids around us.

About 5 minutes before Santa was due to arrive, a family strolled up w/ 2 boys (probably around 4 or 5 years old) and a baby in a double stroller. It was very clear that there was already a line but this family just strolled right up to the front of the line, passing us. If you know me well, you know that I get really annoyed when others can't follow the rules....I do, why can't they?! Greg just looked over and smiled because he knew I was about to explode! I jumped right up and without saying anything tried to make it very clear that we are all in line and they would need to get in line the end of the line. I looked at the mother behind us and she just rolled her eyes and smiled. I asked her, "is this how it is when you have kids? Dealing w/ other parents?" She smiled again and said, "yup!" Long story short, it all worked out and the family waited their turn.

Afterwards we grabbed some lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings (Greg's favorite)!! Carson is past the age of sleeping in public so he missed his nap.  Poor little guy was so tired that he fell asleep in the car before we were out of the parking lot. I couldn't resist snapping a picture of his sweet little face. He's our little thumb sucker!


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